Taxing/Subscription Information
I am Chief Jason Long from Milton Fire & Rescue. I am here to address the tax versus subscription option that has recently been brought up. Unfortunately, there has been a significant amount of misinformation circulating, with individuals not associated with our department speaking on our behalf. As the Chief, it is important for me to ensure that our citizens, whom we are dedicated to serving, receive accurate information that we have gathered.
We were not the ones who initiated this tax/subscription request, but we were invited to participate in the initial discussions regarding the future funding for the departments, if any. After the meeting, it was agreed upon by many that implementing taxes would be the preferred approach. As a result, we believe it is our responsibility to provide our citizens with comprehensive information, enabling you to make an educated decision independently.
Regarding Milton Fire & Rescue, we remain impartial and do not take a stance and force decisions upon you. It is not our place to determine what you believe is the optimal choice, considering that you and our members will be the ones bearing the cost. Our department will not impose any perspective on you, as you have the autonomy to make well-informed decisions. Major McQueary has dedicated extensive time and effort to thoroughly researching both alternatives, enabling us to present them to you for your own evaluation and informed judgment.
Do we need more money? Yes, that is correct. Do we need hundreds of thousands of dollars? No. The biggest thing that would help us is to not fundraise just to operate the department. Organizing fish fries places a significant burden on our Volunteers. It is not the most ideal method to finance a department. Fish fries should be organized to acquire equipment, gear, training, or to contribute to initiatives like the Crusade for Children, rather than to cover basic operational costs. Additionally, the revenue generated from fish fries fluctuates, making it unreliable to sustain our needs consistently.
For several years, we have been conducting subscriptions through mail. Presently, the return rate ranges from 18% to 21% depending on the year. However, this percentage is not particularly impressive, and it also incurs costs for us to send them out annually. The reasons for non-payment vary among individuals, with some claiming they did not receive it, while others consider it as junk mail. Consequently, sending subscriptions by mail is now considered outdated. This is also based on the information provided to us to send these out by the post office.
In terms of what is most advantageous for Milton Fire & Rescue, it has been determined through research that implementing taxes would not be beneficial for our department. The tax base we currently have is insufficient to make it a viable option. This conclusion is supported by the data presented by Major McQueary in all meetings. Whether taxing would be beneficial for other departments is not within our jurisdiction to decide. Nevertheless, considering the information provided, incorporating subscriptions into the tax bill would be advantageous for Milton Fire & Rescue. This would enable us to operate without relying solely on fundraisers to sustain the department.
I trust that this information assists in dispelling any misunderstandings that may be circulating. The county comprises two distinct departments, each with its own unique requirements. I shall refrain from speaking on behalf of the other department and solely address matters concerning our own. It is my duty to act in the best interests of both the community and our department. Ultimately it is up to the county government to make the final decisions. Thank you for dedicating your time to this matter. Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.