Station 1 Remodel Photos
To say I am proud of this extremely dedicated group of Volunteers is an understatement. A while ago we started looking at quotes to remodel our Station 1 which was in desperate need of some updates. Needless to say, we received quotes that we just could not afford. With the need for repairs being sooner than later, the members of the department decided to do it themselves. One thing about our department is that our members have very diverse backgrounds and when you put them together, they can do anything. Every day this amazing group of people has been working from morning until night to do what they can to remodel this station. This is called true dedication and commitment and they have done amazing things. As the Chief of the department, I joke and say they make me look better, but that is not a joke. They truly make the department, me, and themselves look like an outstanding group of people. I am so proud to be the Chief and glad that they can lead me to the future. They have even worked tirelessly